Board of Adjustment

The City of Wilmington Board of Adjustment (BOA) regularly meets the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 P.M. in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 102 North 3rd Street, 2nd floor, Wilmington, unless otherwise noted. BOA meeting are streamed live on GTV8.

Evidentiary Hearings

December 12, 2024 Hearings:

14 Wilmington Ave. (BADV-8-924)

Variances pursuant to City Codes Chapter 18, Section 18-316 and to allow the removal of specimen trees and/or encroachment into the critical root zone for specimen trees in the CS, Commercial Services district
Grace Lamay, Planner I, (910-341-0186,

Application Materials  |  Case Summary

Legacy Point on Shandy Lane (BADV-11-1124)

Variance from Article 6, Section 18-494, which requires installation of sidewalk along Shandy Lane. 
Grace Lamay, Planner I, (910-341-0186,

Application Materials(PDF, 17MB)  |  Case Summary

120 Switchyard Road (BADV-16-1224)

Variance to City Code Section 18-205, for allowance of a drive-through to be located between the primary structure and the right-of-way. 
Bentley Earnest, Planner I, (910-341-3255,

Application Materials  | Case Summary

1490 Allens Lane (BADV-17-1224)

Variance to City Code Section, 18-199, detached accessory structures and ADU’s shall not exceed the height of the principal building. 
Bentley Earnest, Planner I, (910-341-3255,

Application Materials  |  Case Summary

809 North Kerr Avenue (BADV-18-1224)

Variance to City Code Section, 18-199, detached accessory structures and ADU’s shall not exceed the height of the principal building. 
Patrick O'Mahony, Planning Manager, (910-341-3260,

Application Materials  | Case Summary


Pending Applications

3436 River Road (BADV-19-125)

Variance to tree preservation standards for the removal of three specimen trees located within the IND, Industrial zoning district as per City Code Chapter 18, Section 18-316.
Bentley Earnest, Planner 1 (910-341-3255,

Application Materials(PDF, 8MB)

4717 College Acres Drive (BADV-20-125)

Variance to the commercial parking frontage standards for maximum parcel width for a parcel located within the R-5 (CD), residential conditional zoning district as per City Code Chapter 18, Section 18-132.
Kathryn Thurston, Zoning Administrator (910-341-3249,

Application Materials(PDF, 2MB)

208 Tennessee Avenue (BADV-21-125)

Variance to City Code Chapter 18, Section 18-28, side interior setback requirements for a lot located within the R-3, residential zoning district.
Bentley Earnest, Planner I, 910-341-3255,

Application Materials(PDF, 284KB)



The Board of Adjustment (BOA) reviews requests for waivers and variances to the Land Development Code (LDC), appeals of administrative decisions, and appeals of decisions of the Historic Preservation Commission and Housing Appeals Board

Hearings before the Board of Adjustment are quasi-judicial, evidentiary proceedings, which means that anyone wishing to testify must have standing to do so and must present relevant evidence. The findings of fact made by the BOA shall be based on evidence presented at the hearing. 


Five city residents and two alternates are appointed by City Council and serve three-year terms.

Current Members

Jeff HovisChair
Term Expiration: 08/04/2026

Patrick Moore, Vice-Chair
Term Expiration: 04/16/2027

Tyler Newman 
Term Expiration: 08/15/2027

Zac Nichols
Term Expiration: 04/15/2027

Graham Mitchell
Term Expiration: 04/16/2027

Jess JohnsonAlternate Member

Maggie Bennington, Alternate Member

Troy DemersAlternate Member

Alain Norman, Alternate Member