The Loan Review Board reviews and approve loans funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds set forth in program guidelines criteria.
Board members are appointed to two-year terms by City Council. Members can expect to commit approximately two (2) hours per month for regularly scheduled meetings, with an additional hour estimated for preparation. Members serving as Chair of the Loan Review Board will also serve on the HOP Loan Review Committee, which is estimated at an additional hour per month.
The seven (7) members are comprised of the following:
Current Members
Teddy HardeenResidential Lending Term Expiration: 06/15/2025
Matthew HilliardCommercial Lending Term Expiration: 09/15/2024
Mike MoranCPA Term Expiration: 05/15/2026
Russell NugentAt Large Term Expiration: 01/23/2026 Jay LasaterAt Large Term Expiration: 08/04/2026
Kathi HeslinAlternate 1
VacantAlternate 2
Second Wednesday of each month, 8:30 a.m.
929 N. Front St. Wilmington, NC
Committee Application